We are located at:

220 Krams Ave.

Philadelphia PA 19127

*Please note that our location hours are “by appointment only”. We are not a retail store and do not have product available for purchase that has not been pre-ordered.

Once you turn onto Krams Ave., immediately make your FIRST LEFT into our parking lot (you’ll see our sign on the chain link fence). This is an industrial kitchen complex - not a storefront (you’ll notice additional dessert businesses located onsite). Make your way to the back corner of the property and you’ll see our black door with our logo. You can park your vehicle in our lot - feel free to pull right up to our door. Ring our doorbell upon arrival and we’ll meet you at the door and hand your order over to you. (Entry inside our facility is only for employees).

Give us a ring at 267-908-5881 if you have any trouble locating us!
